Partner Program Terms and Conditions

Neture Co., Ltd. Partner Program Terms and Conditions

Article 1 [Purpose)

These terms and conditions govern the rights, obligations, responsibilities, service use procedures, and service use procedures between the company and members when members use the Neture Partner Program, a marketing affiliate program provided by Neture Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”). The purpose is to clarify all other matters to promote smooth transactions between both parties and ultimately promote mutual development by promoting common interests.

Article 2 (Definition of terms)

The definitions of terms used in these Terms and Conditions are as follows. Any terms not defined in these Terms and Conditions shall have the meaning given to them in accordance with common trade practice.

  1. “Neture Co., Ltd.” is a virtual business site ( https://yaksa. site ) refers to all websites, mobile webs, apps, etc. operated by the company.
  2. Neture Co., Ltd. Partner Program (hereinafter referred to as “Partner Program”)” refers to the profits earned by the company from visitor interest by posting advertisements provided by the company on media operated by members. This refers to advertising services distributed at a certain rate and all services incidental thereto.
  3. “Member” means a person who agrees to these terms and conditions and is approved as a service subscriber for the purpose of posting advertisements provided by the company on their own media and stores and receiving income for the results through the sharing function. Members can be either individuals or corporations, and receive an agreed upon payment from the company for their performance.
  4. “Visitor” means a person who visits a member’s media through a device such as a store, computer, or mobile device.
  5. “Media” refers to blogs, websites, etc. operated by members as a medium through which the Company’s advertisements are posted in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.
  6. “Revenue” refers to the amount paid by the company to its partners when sales are generated through the activities of the company’s partner members.
  7. “Unfair income” means income generated by a member due to a member violating the Terms and Conditions, operating policy, or related laws, or a visitor engaging in an act prohibited by the Terms and Conditions, operating policy, or related laws.

Article 3 (Specification, effect and revision of terms and conditions)

  1. The company posts these terms and conditions on relevant screens of the service so that members can understand them.
  2. The Company may stipulate detailed contents not specified in these Terms and Conditions as a separate “Neture Partners Co., Ltd. Operational Policy (hereinafter referred to as “Operating Policy”)” and shall announce this through related screens of the service, etc. do. Additionally, these operating policies form part of these Terms and Conditions and have the same effect as these Terms and Conditions.
  3. If necessary, the Company may revise these Terms and Conditions (or Operating Policy, hereinafter the same) to the extent that they do not violate relevant laws and regulations.
  4. When the Company revises these Terms and Conditions, the date of application and the reason for revision shall be specified and announced on the relevant screen of the service from 7 days prior to the applicable date (14 days prior if the change is unfavorable to members) to the day before the effective date along with the current Terms and Conditions. or notify you by email or other means.
  5. In the event that the seller does not expressly express his/her intention to refuse even though the company has clearly announced or notified the member that the revised terms and conditions will be deemed expressed if he/she does not express his/her intention by the day before the application date while announcing the revised terms and conditions in accordance with the preceding paragraph, The member is deemed to have agreed to the revised terms and conditions.
  6. If a member does not agree to the revised terms and conditions, he/she may express his/her refusal to the company and cancel his/her membership up to the day before the effective date.

Article 4 (Membership Registration)

  1. Membership registration is done through Neture Co., Ltd.’s pharmacy site ( ), where a person who wishes to use the service (hereinafter referred to as “subscription applicant”) fills out membership information according to the registration form set by the company. If you express your intention to agree to these terms and conditions, the contract will be concluded when the company approves your application.
  2. 회사는 가입신청자의 신청에 대하여 아래 각 호의 사유가 있는 경우에는 승낙을 하지 않을 수 있으며, 가입 이후에도 아래 각 호의 사유가 확인될 경우에는 이 약관을 해지할 수 있습니다.
    1. If the applicant is not a member of the pharmacy site.
    2. If the applicant has previously lost his or her “membership” status in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.
    3. If the applicant applies for re-registration while service use is restricted due to reasons such as violation of these terms and conditions.
    4. If the applicant has already signed up for the service.
    5. If a name other than your real name or someone else’s name is entered.
    6. If false or incorrect information is provided or the application requirements set by the company are insufficient.
    7. If acceptance is not possible due to reasons attributable to the applicant for membership, or if the application is made in violation of all other matters stipulated in these Terms and Conditions.
  3. For applications pursuant to this Article, the Company may request the applicant to verify his or her identity through an identity verification agency.
  4. Membership registration is completed when the company’s approval reaches the applicant.

Article 5 (Settlement Method)

  1. The company pays members income calculated through the CPS (Cost Per Sale) method based on performance measured through the service and separately determined profit distribution standards.
  2. In principle, income payment is made on a monthly basis, and all canceled and returned amounts are excluded from income.
  3. The minimum amount of income payment is 10,000 won, and if monthly income does not exceed 10,000 won, the settlement amount is carried forward. The maximum carryover period due to insufficient amount is 6 months, after which the accumulated amount will be paid in a lump sum for 6 months.
  4. If the member is not a business owner, the company may deduct taxes and fees incurred depending on the income payment amount from the income and pay it.
  5. If the member’s bank account information, etc. is invalid during the payment process and the member is unable to receive income, the member is at fault and the company will not compensate for this.
  6. If income is not paid due to the reasons set forth in the preceding paragraph, the Company will notify the member in accordance with Article 18, and the Company may withhold payment of income for up to 6 months until the member corrects the bank account information.
  7. For income payment and tax processing, the company may request consent to the collection of personally identifiable information and issuance of tax documents stipulated in tax-related laws and regulations, such as tax invoices. If a member does not consent to the collection of personally identifiable information or submits a tax invoice within the approval period, the company may request If approval is not given within the time limit or if the information provided by the member is invalid, the company may withhold payment of earnings.
  8. If the member’s income balance is less than 0 won, the member must repay the amount to the company.
  9. The Company may refuse to pay for unreasonable income and may recover such “unfair income” from the member if it has already been paid.
  10. If unfair income is suspected through reporting, etc., the company may initiate an investigation to confirm the matter and may withhold payment of income until the investigation is completed.
  11. If the member or the company expresses its intention to terminate these terms and conditions, the company will check the income (hereinafter referred to as the remaining income) up to the date of expressing the intention to cancel, and if the remaining income exceeds the payment standard set by the company, the company will notify the member. We pay. Specific payment methods and timing are determined in the operating policy.
  12. Payment of income may be restricted to members whose use is restricted or who are in a state of suspension or closure.
  13. Other specific standards are determined in the operating policy.

Article 6 (Protection of personal information)

The company strives to protect members’ personal information in accordance with relevant laws such as the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, etc. and the Personal Information Protection Act. Related laws and the company’s personal information processing policy apply to the protection and use of personal information.

Article 7 (Obligations of the Company)

  1. The Company does not engage in any acts prohibited by relevant laws or these Terms and Conditions or against public order and morals, and does its best to provide continuous and stable services in accordance with the provisions of these Terms and Conditions.
  2. The company must have a security system in place to protect personal information (including credit information) so that members can safely use the service, and it discloses and complies with the personal information processing policy.
  3. The company strives to resolve member complaints if opinions or complaints raised by members in connection with the use of the service are deemed justified.
  4. The company pays income to members in accordance with the advertising revenue distribution standards and payment procedures separately set by the company.

Article 8 (Member’s Obligations)

  1. Members must comply with matters notified by the Company, such as relevant laws and regulations, the provisions of these Terms and Conditions, the Company’s usage policy, and usage guidelines, and must not engage in any other actions that interfere with the Company’s business.
  2. Members must not engage in any of the following acts.
    1. Entering false or someone else’s information when applying for membership or changing membership information
    2. Acts that infringe on intellectual property rights, such as copyrights, of the company or a third party.
    3. Actions that damage the reputation of the company or a third party or interfere with business
    4. Impersonating or impersonating the company or a third party and harming the company’s reputation by using unauthorized bulletin boards, spam emails, etc.
    5. Changing information posted on the company’s service, information obtained by using the service, or confidential information that should not be disclosed (number of clicks, CTR, PPC, etc.) is reproduced, published, or broadcast for profit or non-profit purposes without the company’s prior written consent. The act of using it, etc. or providing it to a third party.
    6. Any act that causes damage to the company or benefits oneself or a third party by displaying or repeatedly clicking on advertisements using illegal methods, or inducing others to do so.
    7. The act of repeatedly using meaningless keywords regardless of the content of the media to induce advertisement placement
    8. An act of using an account for the purpose of selling, transferring, changing the name, reselling, or pledging.
    9. The act of sharing, providing, transferring, brokering, or reselling the right to use the service to others.
    10. Using the service with another person’s account.
    11. Actions such as changing or manipulating the content, links, order, and information contained in advertisements posted within the service.
    12. An act by a member of intentionally causing loss to the company by seeking illegal profits other than those contracted with the company.
    13. The act of enticing visitors to purchase products at a lower price than on the pharmacy site through other means, such as offering money or valuables.
    14. An act of generating revenue through clicks on advertisements generated by members or purchases made by members or their families, rather than through visitor interest, contrary to the purpose of providing this service.
    15. An act of using a trademark that is identical or similar to a mark for which Neture Co., Ltd. holds the rights and/or words that are confusingly similar thereto, as a trademark/trade name/domain in a manner that causes misunderstanding or confusion with Coupang’s business.
    16. An act of a member posting content in the media that violates the Labeling and Advertising Act and other related laws, such as displaying content that is different from facts or has the potential for exaggeration, distortion, or misunderstanding.
    17. An act of a member posting comments on third-party content, etc. that are unrelated to the intent of the content or that cause damage to the company’s image/business, etc.;
    18. An act that causes or is likely to cause damage to a third party by mentioning product information such as a brand or product name that is unrelated to the post in question.
    19. Advertising promotions that have not been officially disclosed to Neture Co., Ltd.
    20. Any act that violates the purpose of use of the Pharmacy Site Partner Program and the operating policies of other services.

Article 9 (Change in member information)

  1. If there is a change in the member information provided at the time of application for membership, the member must reflect the change by modifying the member information, etc. If major information related to settlement (personal information, business information, account information, etc.) is changed, You must notify the company separately.
  2. The Company shall not be liable for any damages incurred by members due to their failure to comply with the preceding paragraph.

Article 10 (Management of ID and password)

  1. All responsibility for managing ID and password lies with the member, and members must not allow third parties to use them.
  2. Members are responsible for all consequences resulting from negligence or misuse of their ID and password.
  3. If members become aware that their ID and password have been stolen or are being used by a third party, they must immediately notify the company and follow the company’s instructions.
  4. The company is not responsible for any disadvantages arising from a member’s failure to comply with the preceding paragraph.

Article 11 (Change of Service)

  1. In order to provide stable services, the company may change the content, operational or technical aspects of the service.
  2. When the company changes the service, it provides advance notice within the service, specifying the changes and date of application. However, if there is a change in substantive matters related to the member’s rights or obligations or use of the service, the notice will be announced 7 days prior to the effective date. In the case of a change that is unfavorable to the member, the notice will be announced 14 days prior to the effective date.
  3. If a member does not agree to a service change, he/she may express his/her refusal to the company and cancel his/her membership.

Article 12 (Member’s Postings)

  1. Members must guarantee that the media they operate and the content of their posts do not infringe on the rights of the company or a third party or violate intellectual property rights and related laws.
  2. If a member violates Paragraph 1 of this Article or violates these Terms and Conditions (including all restricted acts stipulated in the operating policy), such as by failing to comply with the posting or advertisement specifications stipulated by the company, the company may request the member to correct the violation. If a member refuses to do so, the company may arbitrarily take measures such as restricting service use or losing membership.
  3. If the company is subject to legal action, such as an injunction claim, a claim for damages, or a lawsuit, on the grounds that a member has violated this Article and violated the rights of a third party or violated intellectual property rights and related laws, the member must indemnify the company at his or her own expense. . In this regard, if the company is liable for damages to a third party, the member shall fully bear the company’s damages and incidental costs related to such compensation (including defense costs such as interest and attorney’s fees).
  4. When a member posts a post containing product recommendations on the media he or she operates, the economic interests of the member who is the recommender or guarantor and the company are determined in accordance with the Fair Trade Commission’s ‘Indication and Advertisement Review Guidelines for Recommendations and Guarantees, etc.’ You must comply with your obligations in accordance with relevant laws and administrative agency guidelines, such as disclosing information about your information.
  5. Notwithstanding this Article, members are responsible for immediately deleting posts containing content that violates the Terms of Use and Operating Policy, including infringement of intellectual property rights, upon discovery.

Article 13 (Suspension of Service)

  1. The company may temporarily suspend the provision of services in the event of repair, inspection, replacement, breakdown of information and communication equipment such as computers, or interruption of communication.
  2. If the company is unable to provide the service due to a natural disaster or other force majeure, the company may restrict or temporarily suspend the provision of the service.
  3. In case of service interruption pursuant to Paragraphs 1 and 2, the Company will notify the fact and reason in advance. However, if there are circumstances where it is difficult to notify in advance, announcement will be made later when possible.

Article 14 (Performance Measurement)

All performance aggregation that occurs through a member’s media is based on performance measurements provided by the company, and members cannot object to this.

Article 15 (Collection and use of data)

  1. When providing services, the company may collect OS and device information to determine whether or not advertising is being done in an unusual way. The “Company” determines the main items of data collected in its operating policy.
  2. The company may use the information collected pursuant to the preceding paragraph for services provided by the company, and may provide it to third parties in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.

Article 16 (Restrictions on use, etc.)

  1. If a member violates the relevant laws, these Terms and Conditions or the obligations under the operating policy or interferes with the normal operation of other services, or if the company determines that the media operated by the member is significantly inferior in its function as an advertising medium in accordance with the standards set in the operating policy, In this case, use may be gradually restricted, such as stopping advertisements, stopping payment of profits, or losing membership.
  2. Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph, if a member violates the Resident Registration Act, the Copyright Act, the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, etc., or if any activity that infringes on the company’s intellectual property rights is discovered, the Company may suspend abnormal comment activity (e.g., the original work). When a member’s reckless promotional activities that do not match the intent of the post, etc.) are discovered, when a promotion, etc. that has not been officially disclosed to Coupang is advertised, or when it has a negative impact on service operation (for example, repetitive bug abuse and automated programs) (clicks generated through , etc.), payment of profits will be stopped without prior notice, and membership may be immediately revoked or terminated ex officio.
  3. If a complaint related to a product is received from a seller, the company may request the member to suspend/delete the posting, and if the member does not comply, the company may take step-by-step action in accordance with Paragraph 1 of this Article.
  4. The company may suspend advertisement delivery if a member is identified as a business that is closed or closed.
  5. If the company restricts use to a member, the company will notify the member in accordance with Article 17 of these Terms and Conditions.
  6. Members may file an objection regarding the company’s usage restrictions according to the procedures set by the company. At this time, if the company acknowledges that the objection is justified, the company may withdraw its action.
  7. Details of the usage restrictions imposed by the company are determined in the operating policy.

Article 17 (Termination)

  1. Members may request termination of these terms and conditions at any time by directly accessing the service, and the company must immediately process this in accordance with relevant laws and regulations. However, if the member has unsettled income, the company will pay the unsettled income at a later date.
  2. In the case of Paragraph 1 of this Article, members may apply for re-enrollment after the termination date of these Terms and Conditions. Additionally, even if you re-enroll, your existing usage records will not be carried over.
  3. If a member has any of the following reasons, the company may terminate these terms and conditions with the member. In this case, members may be given the opportunity to submit opinions in advance.
    1. In case of infringement on the rights, honor, trust and other legitimate interests of the company or a third party, or in violation of relevant laws or public order and morals
    2. If an act is taken or attempted to interfere with the smooth progress of the services provided by the company.
    3. When there are grounds for refusal of consent pursuant to Article 4
    4. When a member fails to provide information or supporting materials requested by the company or provides false information
    5. If you have committed any prohibited or restricted act (including registration restrictions, use restrictions, etc.) under these Terms and Conditions, etc.
    6. In case of violation of obligations under these Terms and Conditions
    7. In other cases, the company may refuse to provide services for reasonable reasons.
  4. If either party is unable to properly perform these Terms and Conditions due to any of the following reasons, one party may terminate these Terms and Conditions by notifying the other party of termination without separate notice.
    1. In case of violation of obligations under the service agreement and failure to correct the violation
    2. When there is a suspension of transactions, rehabilitation or bankruptcy of a financial institution, such as bankruptcy, or there is a significant concern that such procedures may occur.
    3. Laws, court rulings or orders, administrative measures such as business suspension or cancellation, or government orders such as administrative guidance, etc.
    4. Forced execution such as provisional seizure, seizure, provisional disposition, auction, etc.
    5. Preservation disposition of major assets, business transfer and merger, etc.
  5. Members who have been canceled pursuant to Paragraphs 3 and 4 of this Article or who have canceled their membership during the restricted period may be restricted from re-registering.

Article 18 (Member Notification)

  1. If the company notifies a member, it may do so using the e-mail address or (mobile) phone number provided by the member, unless otherwise specified in these terms and conditions.
  2. If the company provides notice to all members, it may replace the notice in the preceding paragraph by posting it on the bulletin board within the service for more than 7 days. However, we will individually notify members of matters that significantly affect their use of the service.

Article 19 (Intellectual property rights, etc.)

  1. Intellectual property rights (patents, utility models, designs, trademarks and copyrights) related to the company’s own works (including secondary works created by the company using product content provided by members) in relation to the services provided by the company. (including) belongs to the company, and if a member uses it without prior written approval from the company, the member bears all civil and criminal liability.
  2. Content, posts, etc. written by members may be exposed to services and related promotions provided by the company without the member’s consent, or may be partially modified, copied, edited, and posted to the extent necessary for such exposure.
  3. The contents of this Article will survive the termination of these Terms and Conditions.

Article 20 (Compensation for damages, etc.)

  1. If damage occurs to a member due to the company’s intention or negligence in connection with the use of the service, the company will compensate the member for the damage to the extent stipulated by relevant laws and regulations.
  2. If damage occurs to the company due to a member’s violation of these terms and conditions or related laws, the company will compensate the company for the damage to the extent stipulated by the relevant laws.

Article 21 (Company’s exemption from liability)

  1. The company is not responsible for providing services if it is unable to provide services due to natural disasters, DDOS attacks, IDC failures, line failures of key telecommunications carriers, media failures, or similar force majeure.
  2. The company is not responsible for any disruption in service use due to reasons attributable to members.
  3. The company is not responsible for any damage suffered by members due to information obtained by using the service.
  4. All responsibility for the content, sales, etc. of the media registered by the member lies with the member, and the company is not responsible for this.

Article 22 (Governing law and competent court)

The laws of the Republic of Korea apply to the interpretation of these terms and conditions and to disputes between the company and members.

If a dispute arises between the company and the member in relation to these Terms and Conditions and the use of the “Service” and a lawsuit is filed, the competent court will be determined in accordance with the Civil Procedure Act.

[Supplementary provisions]

These terms and conditions apply from December 1, 2022.

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